Department of Law

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Latest International Activities

Date Location Topic Professor
06.-07.02.2025 University of the Western Cape (UWC) und Stellenbosch University (SU), South Africa Lecture: "Democratising the Economy" beim 7th Biannual German-South African Dialogue on Democracy Prof. Dr. Johanna Wolff
22.-24.01.2025 Oxford, England, United Kingdom Research Roundtable in Oxford: 'The Role of Third-Party Funding in Business and Human Rights Litigation Prof. Dr. Markus Lieberknecht
30.09.2024 Villa Vigoni, Lake Como, Italy Lecture: Personengesellschaftsrecht im 21. Jahrhundert - Deutschland und Italien im Rechtsvergleich’ Prof. Dr. Markus Lieberknecht
25.8.-6.9.2024 St. Johann, South Tyrol Lecture: ‘Greening Corporate Law – Instrumente für eine Klimatransformation des Gesellschaftsrechts’ Prof. Dr. Markus Lieberknecht
August 2024 Geneva, Switzerland Lecture: Effektivität des Compliance Mechanismus der Aarhus Konvention im Rahmen der internationalen Konferenz European Environmental Law Forum (EELF) Kristina Dierkes (PhD student and research assistant, Chair of Prof. Dr. Cancik)
May/June 2024 Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Lecture: Vorlesung zum Deutschen Verfassungsrecht im Rahmen der "Deutschen Rechtsschule" Prof. Dr. Dörr
04.06.2024 University of Osnabrück and Ryukoku University (Kyoto) Workshop: German-Japanese workshop on current issues of platform regulation Prof. Dr. Busch
04/2024 Cyprus Presentation: The Implications of the Digital Services Act for the Fight against Disinformation (1st Conference of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence DIGIU - Digital Platforms Prof. Dr. Oster
29.02. - 01.03.2024 University of California, Berkeley Lecture: Paper on current developments in the regulation of subscription contracts Prof. Dr. Busch
19.02.- 01.03.2024 University of Trnava, Slovakia Erasmus Lecturer Mobility, lecture on the legal problems surrounding the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline, as well as international law lecture on NATO, European law lecture on supply chain regulation Lena Hupe (PhD student and research assistant, Chair Prof. Dr. Dörr)
15.02. - 16.02.2024 University of Amsterdam Lecture: Topic: “Content Moderation at the Infrastructure Layer: A Blindspot in the DSA?” Prof. Dr. Busch
26.02.-01.03.2024 University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Erasmus lecturer mobility, lecture on international criminal law, lecture on German constitutional law Lena Herzog (PhD student and research assistant, Chair Prof. Dr. Dörr)
from 07.12.2023 University of California, Berkele Lecture series: Consumer protection in digital markets in the USA and Europe Prof. Dr. Busch
27.11.2023 Nanjing, Nanjing University, Johns-Hopkins-Center Vortrag:德国的财政宪法与欧盟的财政框架 (Deutsche Finanzverfassung und europäischer Rechtsrahmen), Prof. Dr. Gesk
29.10.2023 Beijing, CUPL (China University of Political Science and Law Presentation: Adjustments of German Criminal Law to the Challenges of Cyber Crime, Beijing, CUPL (China University of Political Science and Law): Opportunities and Challenges for Criminal Justice in the Era of Internet Prof. Dr. Gesk
28.10.2023 Taipei, China Presentation: 德國後疫情時代,人工智慧對法體系與立法的影響 (Vom Einfluss der KI auf Rechtssystem und Gesetzgebung in Zeiten der Post-Pandemie), Taipei: AI & Law, AI Financial Governance & AI Basic Act and Generative Act Prof. Dr. Gesk
20.10.2023 Beijing, CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences刑法发展与改革的重要性 (Das Recht auf Resozialisierung – von der Wichtigkeit bundesgerichtlicher Rechtsprechung für Entwicklung und Reform des Strafrechts), Beijing, CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Law Institute: Modernization and Rule of Law: Chinese Practice ), Law Institute Presentation: 再社会化的权利——联邦级法院对刑法发展与改革的重要性 (Das Recht auf Resozialisierung – von der Wichtigkeit bundesgerichtlicher Rechtsprechung für Entwicklung und Reform des Strafrechts), Beijing, CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Law Institute: Modernization and Rule of Law: Chinese Practice and International Prof. Dr. Gesk
16.10.2023 Hefei, Anhui University, China Presentation: 数字犯罪对德国实体刑法改革的影响及其在程序中的贯彻 (Einflüsse des Cyber Crime auf die Reform des deutschen materiellen Strafrechts und deren Durchsetzung im Strafverfahren), Prof. Dr. Gesk
10.10.2023 Hefei, Anhui University, China Presentation: 刑事侦查中的嫌疑与或然率 (Verdacht und Wahrscheinlichkeit im Strafverfahren) Prof. Dr. Gesk
22.09.2023 Helsinki, Finland Presentation: How to Formulate an Economic Policy and Get National Funding, Helsinki, ECLS (European Chinese Legal Studies Association) Annual Conference, Panel 21: Policy Implementation through Different Levels of Government Prof. Dr. Gesk
28.08.2023 Beijing, BTBU (Beijing Technology and Business University, China Presentation: 数字化与能源转型的融资 (Finanzierung von Digitalisierung und Energiewende) Prof. Dr. Gesk
25.08.2023 Bengbu, AUFE (Anhui University of Finance and Economics), China Presentation: 法学教育与课程设计——中国法学程 (Juristische Lehre und Kursplanung – Metastudiengang Chinesisches Recht) Prof. Dr. Gesk
23.08.2023 Hefei, AHU (Anhui University), China Presentation: 数字化的融资模式——预算、特别预算、特别财产 (Modelle zur Finanzierung der Digitalisierung – Haushalt, Sonderhaushalt, Sondervermögen) Prof. Dr. Gesk
21.08.2023 Hefei, AHU (Anhui University), China Presentation: 刑法对数据的保护 (Strafrechtlicher Schutz von Daten), Hefei, AHU (Anhui University): Reform und Entwicklung von Recht im Zeitalter von Big Data Prof. Dr. Gesk
18.08.2023 – 31.08.2023 Nanjing University, Anhui Universit, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bejing Technology and Business University Research trip: ChiP-NI (Chinese Project: New Infrastructure) Prof. Dr. Gesk
29.06.2023 Siegmund Freud University, Vienna, Austria Lecture: Digital Content Directive & EU Insolvency Law Directive: New Union Law Requirements for (Software) License Agreements Prof. Dr. McGuire
20.06.2023 Kansai University, Osaka, Japan Presentation: „Das Konzept der Sicherungsverwahrung in Deutschland“ Prof. Dr. Sinn
17.06.2023 Chuo-University, Tokyo, Japan Presentation: "Argumente gegen die Todesstrafe und Alternativen zur Todesstrafe bei schweren Straftaten – die lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe“ Prof. Dr. Sinn
15.06.2023 Chuo-University, Tokyo, Japan Presentation: "Grenzen des Strafrechts: Rechtstheoretische und interdisziplinär geprägte Überlegungen zu einer machttheoretisch fundierten Rechtslehre“ Prof. Dr. Sinn
12.-13.06.2023 Seoul, South Korea Workshop: Lecture on private enforcement in European law Prof. Dr. Jan Oster
05.06.2023 Hefei, AHU (Anhui University), China Presentation: 数字治理与信息保护之间的德国行政法 (Verwaltungsrecht zwischen e-governance und Datenschutz) Prof. Dr. Gesk
21.03.-24.03.2023 University of Szeged, Budapest, Hungary Presentation: Cybercrime and organized crime Prof. Dr. Sinn
13.03.2023 European Legal Studies Institute, University of Osnabrück Workshop: German-Japanese Workshop on Platform Regulation Prof. Dr. Busch
Keio-University, Tokyo, Japan Presentation: „Compliance-Maßnahmen als Grund für eine Straffreistellung?“ Prof. Dr. Sinn
Presentation: „Zur Reform der Suizidhilfe in Deutschland“ Prof. Dr. Sinn
Presentation: „Das strafrechtliche Verfolgungskonzept gegen Organisierte Kriminalität in Deutschland“ Prof. Dr. Sinn
21.03.-24.03.2023 University of Szeged, Budapest, Hungary Presentation: Cybercrime and organized crime Prof. Dr. Sinn
13.03.2023 European Legal Studies Institute, University of Osnabrück Workshop: German-Japanese Workshop on Platform Regulation Prof. Dr. Busch
11.02.2023 Sorbonne University, Paris, France Presentation: Study on administration and law in ancient ruling orders Prof. Dr. Groß
03.12.2022 European Legal Studies Institute, University of Osnabrück Presentation: Towards an open, efficient and independent EU Administration? Teresa Pareja Sánchez (Visiting Guest Reseacher, professorship: Prof. Dr. Groß)
since 2022 University of Lyon, France and University of Ferrara, Italy Lectures: Trilateral lecture Prof. Dr. Lampert
2.12.2022 Conference “Defeating Disinformation”, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Boston, USA Presentation: Fragmentation or Standardization? Is a Global Approach to Content Moderation Possible Prof. Dr. Busch
24.11.2022 Korea Legislation Research Institute, Seoul, Korea Presentation: The Digital Services Act: Towards a New Regulatory Framework for the Platform Economy in Europe Prof. Dr. Busch
21.11.2022 Korea Fair Trade Commission, Seoul, Korea Presentation: The Proposal for an EU General Product Safety Regulation Prof. Dr. Busch
16.11.2022 International Product Safety Week, European Commission, Brussels Presentation: Quo vadis e-commerce: What’s next for product safety? Prof. Dr. Busch
12.11.2022 Bengbu, China Symposium: Alternative Methods in Legal Hermeneutics: On the Construction of Meaning in Law - Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences and Semiotics Alternative Methods in Legal Hermeneutics: On the Construction of Meaning in Law - Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences and Semiotics Alternative Methods in Legal Hermeneutics: On the Construction of Meaning in Law - Qualitative Methods in Social Sciences and Semiotics Semiotik (另类的法律解释:如何建构法学上的意义?以社会科学质的研究法和符号学为例),Legal interpretation in comparative law, Anhui University of Finance and Economics Prof. Dr. Gesk
12.11.2022 Renmin University, Beijing Symposium: The dialogue on the rule of law and its preconditions关于法治国家的对话及其先决条件, Looking back to the 1970s and the process of globalization - change through exchange and Sino-German/European intercultural cooperation Prof. Dr. Gesk
11.11.2022 American Law Institute Restatement of the Law, Consumer Contracts (Advisers Meeting) Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
11.11.2022 Peking University/ Beijing Symposium: Possibility and realization of legal cooperation in practice, 50 years of Sino-German relations Prof. Dr. Gesk
08.11.2022 Vienna, Austria Presentation: The delegability of the managerial duties of the association board Prof. Dr. Leuschner
04.11.2022 Conference “The Future of European Private Law”, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Presentation: Common Regulation without Common Private Law? EU Platform Regulation and European Private Law Prof. Dr. Busch
24.10.2022 Centre on Regulation in Europe, Brussels Presentation: eIDAS 2.0 – Digital Identity Services in the Platform Economy Prof. Dr. Busch
06.10.2022 Taipei (台北) Symposium: The application of AI in German finance and its normative problems 德國金融對AI 的運用及其規範問題), 5th International Conference on AI and Law 2022,(2022 第五屆人工智慧與法律國際學術研討會一場AI 與法律的國際思辨:「智慧金融之法律衝擊」), International Artificial Intelligence and Law Research Foundation (財團法人人工智慧法律國際研究基金會) Prof. Dr. Gesk
06.10.2022 European Law Academy, Trier Presentation: Risks for Consumers in the Digital Subscription Economy Prof. Dr. Busch
01.10.2022 Yale ISP 25th Reunion, Yale Law School, New Haven, USA Presentation: From Algorithmic Transparency to Algorithmic Choice, Prof. Dr. Busch
Winter term 2022 China University of Political Science and Law Lectures: Comparative Criminal Procedure Law (Faculty of Criminal Justice), German Criminal Justice System (Graduate Institute) Prof. Dr. Gesk
Winter term 2022 Graduate Institute, Faculty of Law, Anhui University Lectures: Introduction to german law and Introduction to German Criminal Law" Prof. Dr. Gesk
Winter term 2022 German-Chinese Law Institute, Nanjing University Lectures: German Criminal Law (general section) Prof. Dr. Gesk
Winter term 2022 Johns Hopkins Institute, Univeristy of Najing Lectures: European Perspectives on Migration Prof. Dr. Gesk
September 2022 Trnava, Slovakia Erasmus-Lectures: Presentation: Research on procurement autonomy in EU public procurement law Pia Ahlers (research assistant and doctoral student, professorship: Prof. Dr. Dörr)
28.9.2022 Conference “TrustCon 2022”, Palo Alto, USA Presentation: Content moderation – it’s not just platforms anymore Prof. Dr. Busch
23.09.2022 Copenhagen, Denmark Symposium: Legal Problems Arising from Abuse of Health APP, 16th Annual Conference, ECLS Prof. Dr. Gesk
23.09.2022 Copenhagen, Denmark (16th Annual Conference, ECLS) Symposium: Communal Budget – Between Law, Policy, and Economics Prof. Dr. Gesk
10.9.2022 Legraina, Greece Presentation: Protecting Human Rights through Climate Law Litigation Prof. Dr. Groß
08.9.2022 Annual Meeting of the European Law Institute, Madrid Presentation: 10.Towards ELI ModelPresentation: Rules on Algorithmic Contracts Prof. Dr. Busch
24.8.2022 Korea Legislation Research Institute, Seoul, Korea Presentation: Towards New EU Consumer Protection Rules for Online Financial Services Prof. Dr. Busch
17.06.2022 Waseda University, Tokio Presentation: Freezing – Securing – Seizing – Confiscating – The enforcement of sanctions against Russian oligarchs: a challenge for the rule of law Prof. Dr. Sinn
16.06.2022 Chou University,ToPresentation:kio Presentation: Freezing – Securing – Seizing – Confiscating – The enforcement of sanctions against Russian oligarchs: a challenge for the rule of law Prof. Dr. Sinn
10.06.2022 University of Ferrara, Italy Presentation: The EU Digital Services Act and its coordination with the Digital Content and Services Directive Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
19.5.2022 Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Presentation: The ELI Model Rules on Online Platforms Prof. Dr. Busch
30.4.2022 Freedom of Expression Scholars Conference, Yale Law School, New Haven, USA Presentation: Regulating the Expanding Content Moderation Universe: A European Perspective on Infrastructure Moderation Prof. Dr. Busch
15.4.2022 Conference “Regulating the Online Space”, University of California, Los Angeles, USA Presentation: 14. Regulating the Expanding Content Moderation Universe: A European Perspective on Infrastructure Moderation Prof. Dr. Busch
31.3.2022 Conference “Regulating the Online Space”, University of California, Los Angeles, USA Presentation: Regulating the Expanding Content Moderation Universe: A European Perspective on Infrastructure Moderation Prof. Dr. Busch
14.06.2022 Keio University, Tokio Presentation: The long road to Recording Organized Crime in Germany in Conformity with the Union and International Law Prof. Dr. Sinn
10.06.2022 University of Ferrara, Italy Presentation: The EU Digital Services Act and its coordination with the Digital Content and Services Directive Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
10.06.2022 Waseda University, Tokio Presentation: Opportunities and risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the criminal procedure Prof. Dr. Sinn
14.-22.05.2022 Nanjing University, China - Johns-Hopkins Center Presentation: Causality, Responsibility, and AI Driven Decisions Prof. Dr. Gesk
10.05.2022 University of Liechtenstein Presentation: Organized Crime and Cybercrime – Fiction or Reality Prof. Dr. Sinn
31.3.2022 Modern Studies in Property Law Conference, Oxford, UK Presentation: Granular Property Law: Recalibrating Optimal Standardization of Property Rights in the Data Economy Prof. Dr. Busch
30.03.2022 University of Chuo, Tokio (online) Presentation: The Situation of Cybercrime in Germany and the European Union – Facts – Trends – Perspectives Prof. Dr. Sinn
26.03.2022 University of Warsaw, Poland Presentation: How to convince a criminal justice system – an introduction into Chinese Criminal Procedure Prof. Dr. Gesk
18.3.2022 Conference “La contratación a través de plataformas intermediarias”, University Complutense, Madrid Presentation: Liability of online platforms Prof. Dr. Busch
10.-22.03.2022 Nanjing University, China - Johns-Hopkins Center Presentation: Legislation as a Market Force – How to tackle Climat Change Prof. Dr. Gesk
12.01.2022 University of Silesia Katowice, Poland (online) Presentation: Digital obligations of sellers in consumer contracts – A paper tiger? Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke

Previous Activities

Date Location Topic Professor
2021 Heidelberg, Academy of Science, Interdisciplinary and international conference Presentation: Securing Human Rights in Transnational Supply Chains – Can a national law solve a global problem? Prof. Dr. Hübner
09.12.2021 Conference “Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues”, University Bonn Presentation: Platform Regulation and Recommender Systems: From Algorithmic Transparency to Algorithmic Choice? Prof. Dr. Busch
03.12.2021 Conference “New Liabilities in Global Value Chains”, Tilburg University Presentation: Platform Social Responsibility Prof. Dr. Busch
12.11.-31.12.2021 China University of Political Science and Law, School of Criminal Justice Presentation: German Criminal Justice System Prof. Dr. Gesk
Nov 21 London, UK Online Panel Discussion by Access Partnership: Balancing Fundamental Rights in Data Regulation in Europe Prof. Dr. Oster
Nov 21 International Online-Conference Conference: Free Speech/Media Law Discussion Forum: Should the EU introduce a Data Ownership Right (DOR) in its legal framework? Prof. Dr. Oster
11.11.2021 American Law Institute Presentation: at Restatement of the Law, Consumer Contracts (Advisers Meeting) Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
21.10.2021 University of Silesia Katowice, Poland Presenatation: Digital obligations of sellers in consumer contracts – A paper tiger? Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
29.10.2021 Symposium “Cross-border Trade Regulation and Online Dispute Settlement” organized by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and UNCITRAL, Beijing Presentation: Consumer rights disputes in cross border e-commerce Prof. Dr. Busch
06.10.2021 Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Presentation: Rethinking Product Liability for Online Marketplaces: A Comparative Perspective Prof. Dr. Busch
21.-23.09.2021 University of Toulouse 1 Capitole, Toulouse, France ERASMUS Lectures: German Constitutional and Commercial Law Prof. Dr. Dörr
09.9.-30.9.2021 Nanjing University German - Chinese Law Institute Lecture: Criminal Law Course Prof. Dr. Gesk
23.9.2021 49th Policy Research Conference on Communications, Information and the Internet (TPRC49), Washington Presentation: Rethinking Product Liability for Online Marketplaces: A Comparative Perspective Prof. Dr. Busch
27.7.2021 International Online Seminar on Platform Regulation, Korean Fair Trade Commission, Seoul Presentation: Transparency of Rankings on Digital Platforms Prof. Dr. Busch
25.06.2021 German-Taiwanese Lawyers Association Presentation: on Legal measures for the management of the pandemic in Germany Prof. Dr. Hartmann
20.6.2021 Japanese Consumer Affairs Agency, Tokyo Presentation: Consumer Protection in the Platform Economy: Current Developments in EU and US Law Prof. Dr. Busch
03.5.2021 British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), London Presentation: Product Liability in the Platform Economy in a Comparative Perspective Prof. Dr. Busch
22.04.2021 Fordham Law School, New York Presentation: Rethinking Product Liability for Online Marketplaces: A Comparative Perspective Prof. Dr. Busch
11.03.2021 14. United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Kyoto, Japan Presentation: Pharmaceutical crime Prof. Dr. Sinn
03.03.2021 Consumer Law Scholars Conference 2021, Boston Presentation: Rethinking Product Liability for Online Marketplaces: A Comparative Perspective Prof. Dr. Busch
02.03.2021 University of Vienna, Austria Presentation: Digital Services Act – Implementation, Cooperation, Sanctions and Enforcement Prof. Dr. Schulte-Nölke
01.03.2021 „Conference on Innovation and Digitalisation in Law 2021, Vienna, Austria Presentation: Liability of Digital Service Providers Prof. Dr. Busch