Authors |
Publication |
Prof. Dr. Markus Lieberknecht |
Institutional Investors as Climate Activists: Curb Your Enthusiasm’ in der American University Business Law Review = Lieberknecht, 14 AUBLR 121 (2024) |
Prof. Dr. Mary-Rose McGuire |
Arbitration v litigation in disputes related to licensing agreements, in: Klopschinski/McGuire (eds.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Rights and Arbitration, Edward Elgar 2024, p. 118-137. |
Marko Andjic |
Arbitration - the chamber of secrets? An analysis for procedural rules and technical tools for the protection of trade secrets in arbitration, in: Klopschinski/McGuire (eds.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Rights and Arbitration, S. , Edward Elgar 2024, p. 81-100. |
Authors |
Publication |
Prof. Dr. Mary-Rose McGuire |
Arbitration v. Litigation: Recommendations for Disputes Related to Licensing Agreements, in Klopschinski/McGuire (eds.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Rights and Arbitration, Edward Elgar 2023. |
Prof. Dr. Georg Gesk |
Trends in German Criminal Procedure Law, in: IRSTI No.3 (144) 2023, S. 106-115. |
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke |
The EU Digital Services Act and EU Consumer Law, in: Alberto De Franceschi and Reiner Schulze (eds.), Harmonizing Digital Contract Law, 2023. |
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke |
EU private law: classical values and purposes of national private law and their entanglement with the purposes of the EU, in: André Janssen, Matthias Lehmann and Reiner Schulze (eds.), The Future of European Private Law, 2023. |
Prof. Dr. Arndt Sinn, Marcel Iden |
Alte und neue Bedrohungen der Organisierten Kriminalität, in: SIAK-Journal 2023, S. 62-72 |
Authors |
Publication |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch, Dr. Catalina Goanta, Dr. Katarzyna Kryla-Cudna, Monika Leszczynska(LLM) and Prof. Dr. mr. Vanessa Mak |
Should Data Shape Private Law?, Technology and Regulation 2022, 81-87. |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch |
Updating EU Consumer Law for the Digital Subscription Economy, 11 Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 41-42 (2022). |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch |
Regulating the Expanding Content Moderation Universe: A European Perspective on Infrastructure Moderation, 27 University of California Los Angeles Journal of Law & Technology 32-79 (2022). |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch |
eIDAS 2.0 – Digital Identity Services in the Platform Economy, Centre on Regulation in Europe, Study for the Centre on Regulation in Europe, October 2022, 20 pp. |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Dörr |
State Responsibility for climate change under EU and German Law, in: E. Schulev-Steindl u.a. (eds.), Climate Change. Responsibility and Liability, 2022, S. 299-311. |
Prof. Dr. Lars Leuschner und Tim Wöffen (LL.M.) |
Overview of German Law on Associations (Ländervergleichende Studie für EU-Kommission). |
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke |
Flight cancelled: Can the passenger rebook on a freely chosen alternative date? in: Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken, 2022, pp.106-110. |
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke |
Digital obligations of sellers of smart devices under the Sale of Goods Directive 771/2019, in: Sebastian Lohsse, Reiner Schulze and Dirk Staudenmayer Smart Products (Münster Colloquia on EU Law and the Digital Economy), 2022, pp. 47-61. |
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke |
The gig economy and the European Platform-to-Business Regulation, Правоведение (Pravovedenie, St. Petersburg) (2021), 64 (4): 496–510. |
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke |
Sources of law, in: Alain A. Levasseur, J. Randall Trahan, David Gruning (eds.), The legal system of Germany, Bibliothèque de l’Association Henri Capitant, Durham, North Carolina 2022, pp. 11-18. |
Authors |
Publication |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch and Prof. Dr. mr. Vanessa Mak |
Putting the Digital Services Act in Context: Bridging the Gap Between EU Consumer Law and Platform Regulation, 10 Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 109-115 (2021). |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch, Dr. Inge Graef, Prof. Dr. Jeanette Hofmann and Prof. Annabelle Gawer |
Uncovering blindspots in the policy debate on platform power, Study for the European Commission (DG CNECT), March 2021, 31 pp. |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Dannemann, Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke |
Digital Platforms and COVID-19, in: Ewoud Hondius, Marta Santos Silva, Andrea Nicolussi, Pablo Salvador Coderch, Christiane Wendehorst and Fryderyk Zoll (eds.), Coronavirus and the Law in Europe, 2021, pp. 867-890. |
Prof. Dr. Georg Gesk |
Legitimität der Elektronischen Persönlichkeit für KI-Systeme? (人工智慧享受電子人格的正當性), in: Chang Li-Ching (張麗卿) (Hrsg), Artificial Intelligence and Legal Challenges (人工智慧與法律挑戰), angle publ. (元照), 2021, S. 189-200. |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Dörr |
Detention, Arbitrary, in: A. Peters/R. Wolfrum (eds.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, online aktualisiert Juni 2021. |
Prof. Dr. Jan Oster |
Code is Code and Law is Law. The Law of Digitalisation and the Digitalisation of Law, International Journal of Law and Information Technology (IJLIT) 29 (2021), 101 – 117. |
Prof. Dr. Jan Oster |
On ‘Balancing’ and ‘Social Watchdogs’: The European Court of Human Rights as a Norm Entrepreneur for Freedom of Expression, in: Bollinger/Callamard (Hrsg.), Regardless of Frontiers. Global Freedom of Expression in a Troubled World, 2021 (Columbia University Press), 165 – 184. |
Prof. Dr. Jan Oster |
Tambini, Media Freedom, Journal of Media Law 13 (2021), 276 – 278. |
Authors |
Publication |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch |
ヨーロッパにおけるオンライン仲介プラットフォームのための規制枠組みに向けて[Entwicklung eines Regulierungsrahmens für Online-Plattformen in Europa], in: Nakata et al. (eds.) Modernisation of European Private Law and Consumer Law and Developments in Japanese Private Law, Nihon Hyoronsha 2020, pp. 126-141. |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch |
Self-Regulation and Regulatory Intermediation in the Platform Economy, in: Cantero Gamito/Micklitz (eds.) The Role of the EU in Transnational Legal Ordering: Standards, Contracts and Codes, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2020, pp. 115-134. |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Dannemann, Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke, Prof. dr hab. Fryderyk Zoll |
The ELI Model Rules on Online Platforms, 9 Journal of Consumer and Market Law, 61-70 (2020). |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch |
La mise en oeuvre de la personnalisation du droit: Les obligations d’information en droit de la consommation et la protection des données personnelles, in: G’sell (ed.) Le Big Data et le Droit, Dalloz, Paris 2020, pp. 155-176. |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch |
The P2B Regulation (EU) 2019/1150: Towards a Procedural Turn in EU Platform Regulation?, 9 Journal of Consumer and Market Law 133-134 (2020). |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Dörr |
Brexit – What It Is And What It Means, George Washington International Law Review 52 (2020), S. 1-11. |
Prof. Dr. Georg Gesk |
Anti-terrorism in German Criminal Law System (ドイツにおける刑法と刑事訴訟法、テロリズム対策の概要 (テロ对策に関する国際フォ一ラム), 岡本美技訳), The Journal of Police Science (警察學論集), 2020, 第73卷, 第10号, S. 162-171. |
Prof. Dr. Georg Gesk and Prof. Dr. Viola Schmid |
The (European) Artificial Intelligence (R)Evolution: Are Trustworthiness, Law, Ethics‚ and Robustness‚ Enough for (Re)Liability?, Internet Law Works-in-Progress, NY Law School, Santa Clara Law. |
Prof. Dr. Georg Gesk |
Der Einfluß von Digitalisierung, Big Data und KI auf das Strafprozessrecht (數位化、大數據和人工智慧對刑事訴訟的衝擊), in: National University of Kaohsiung Law Journal (國立高雄大學法學院法學論叢), Vol. 15, Heft 2 (März 2020), S. 71-114. |
Prof. Dr. Georg Gesk |
Das Chinesische Social Credit System – neue Formen der E-Governance zwischen Recht und Policy?, in: Erich Schwaighofer, Franz Kummer, Ahti Saarenpää (Hg.), IRIS 2020 – Verantwortungsbewußte Digitalisierung, Bern: Editions Weblaw, 2020, S. 413-418. |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Groß |
Chronik Verfassungsrecht, Bundesrepublik Deutschland, European Review of Public Law (REDP/ERPL) 2020, 1463-1477. |
Prof. Dr. Mary-Rose McGuire |
Trade Secret Disputes: Should you arbitrate or litigate? How to effectively protect trade secrets in the course of dispute resolution, in: Gerold Zeiler/Alexander Zojer (Hrsg.), Trade Secrets: Procedural and Substantive Issues, Wien 2020, 49-68. |
Prof. Dr. Jan Oster |
Theories of reputation, in: Koltay/Wragg (Hrsg.), Research Handbook on Comparative Privacy & Defamation, 2020 (Edward Elgar), 48 – 64. |
Prof. Dr. Jan Oster |
Kenyon/Scott (Hrsg.), Positive Free Speech. Rationales, Methods and Implications, Journal of Media Law 12 (2020), 129 – 131. |
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke |
Liability for Self-Driving Cars: Law, Ethics and Protection of the Car Industry, in: Alain Strowel and Christophe Lazaro (eds.), Des Véhicules Autonomes à l'Intelligence Artificielle, Larcier, Bruxelles 2020, pp. 133-152 |
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke |
Artificial intelligence and consumer protection, in: Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken (TvC), 2020, pp. 52-56. |
Authors |
Publication |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch |
Towards Fairness and Transparency in the Platform Economy? A First Look at the P2B Regulation, in: Alberto De Franceschi and Reiner Schulze (eds.) Digital Revolution – New Challenges for Law, C.H.Beck 2019, pp. 57-74. |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch |
个性化经济中的算法规制和(不)完美执行 [Algorithmic Regulation and (In)Perfect Law Enforcement in the Personalized Economy.], 41 Global Law Review 5 (2019) [Journal of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences]. |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch |
Regulating Airbnb in Germany – Status Quo and Future Trends, 8 Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 39-41 (2019). |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch |
When Product Liability Meets the Platform Economy: A European Perspective on Oberdorf v Amazon, 8 Journal of Consumer and Market Law 173-174 (2019). |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Busch |
Implementing Personalized Law: Personalized Disclosures in Consumer Law and Data Privacy Law, 86 University of Chicago Law Review 309-331 (2019). |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Dörr |
Nationality in: R. Wolfrum (ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, online aktualisiert August 2019 . |
Prof. Dr. Oliver Dörr |
The Strasbourg Approach to Evolutionary Interpretation, in: G. Abi-Saab/K. Keith/G. Marceau/C. Marquet (eds.), Evolutionary Interpretation and International Law, 2019, S. 115-121. |
Prof. Dr. Georg Gesk, Prof. Dr. Viola Schmid (LL.M. Harvard) |
Voraussetzungen und Chancen des ‚Internet Court‘ in Hangzhou/China – ein Modell?, in: Erich Schwaighofer, Franz Kummer, Ahti Saarenpää (Hg.), IRIS 2019 – Internet of Things, Bern: Editions Weblaw, 2019, 425-430. |
Prof. Dr. Thomas Groß |
„Does the Basic Law allow Germany to leave the European Union?“ European Review of Public Law (ERPL/REDP) 2019, 275-281. |
Prof. Dr. Steffen Lampert |
Solidarité et politiques fiscales en Allemagne, in: La Solidarité, Traveaux de l´Association Henri Capitant, Bruxelles/Paris 2019, S. 773-788. |
Prof. Dr. Mary-Rose McGuire |
Community Trademarks as Objects of Property (Art.16-24 CTMR), in: Hasselblatt (Hrsg.), Community Trade Mark Regulation, München/Oxford 2015; – 2. Auflage 2019. |
Prof. Dr. Mary-Rose McGuire |
Related Actions in Community Design Matters (Art. 95-96), in: Hasselblatt (Hrsg.), Community Trade Mark Regulation, München/Oxford 2015: – 2. Auflage 2019. |
Prof. Dr. Mary-Rose McGuire |
Immaterialgüter als Vertragsgegenstand: 10 Thesen warum das Lizenzvertragsrecht im ABGB kodifiziert werden sollte. Verhandlungen des 20. Österreichischen Juristentags, Salzburg 2018, Wien 2019, 30-67. |
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke |
Incorporation of Standard Contract Terms on Websites - Observations on the American Law Institute’s Restatement of Consumer Contract Law, European Revue of Contract Law (ERCL) 2019; Vol. 15(2), pp. 103-129. |
Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke |
Personal data is not a counter-performance! - Plea for a data driven rethinking of contract and consumer law, in: Tijdschrift voor Consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken, 2 - 2018, pp. 74-76. |